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4Startups found


Business Type:

Startup Age: Founded in 2019 (5 Years Old)

Fund Required: ₹50 Crores (Series A Funding)

Annual Turnover: ₹150 Crores

Achievement / Awards: Featured among top minimalist jewelry brands in India.Partnered with major e-commerce platforms for wide reach

Business Presence: Pan-India


Business Type:

Startup Age: Founded in 2016 (8 Years Old)

Fund Required: ₹300 Crores (Series C Funding)

Annual Turnover: ₹400 Crores

Achievement / Awards: Recognized as one of India’s top fashion jewelry startups. Successfully delivered to over 2,500 cities in India

Business Presence: Pan-India


Business Type:

Startup Age: Founded in 2008 (16 Years Old)

Fund Required: ₹300 Crores (Acquisition by Titan)

Annual Turnover: ₹1,200 Crores

Achievement / Awards: Acquired by Titan Company in 2016. Featured among the top D2C brands in India

Business Presence: Pan-India and International


Business Type:

Startup Age: Founded in 2013 (11 Years Old)

Fund Required: ₹750 Crores (Series C Funding)

Annual Turnover: ₹1,000 Crores

Achievement / Awards: Named among the top startups driving rural innovation by Nasscom. Partnered with over 3 million farmers across India

Business Presence: Pan-India